These Texts Will Make You Want To Hug Your Family Close After The Election
No matter which side you were on during the election, the past two years of campaigning has taken its toll. And last night, when it looked like things might finally be coming to an end, it turned out that the roller coaster of emotions and anxiety we’d been experiencing was just a prelude to what we’d feel on Election Day.
Today, at our offices, many of us are still reeling with shock and struggling to make sense of both former Secretary of State Clinton and President-elect Trump's call to be one, united country. And while we might not understand what that means for a long time, we are finding support where we can. For many of us, that means reaching out to loved ones, near and far, for solace.
Over the night, and into today, we have been texting friends and family to let them know we are here, and here for them. From messages of hope and healing to just pure love, these texts are buoying us up at a time that can feel dark and confusing — and offering a few welcome laughs. Ahead, just a few texts that are making things a bit more bearable. Send screenshots of your own texts to us at
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