Rachel_Roy: "http://twitpic.com/1ebw2d - It is official, I am in love with the desert. I must have been Native American in a past life. -RR" Or a cactus?
AndrewAndrew: "We HATE to see the line to get into Abercrombie & Fitch when it is longer than the one for the MoMA #unculturedtouristswestilltakeyourmoney" Judging from the number of black-and-white bags exiting the store, you'd never guess A+F was going down the shitter.
mattkays: ""Timmy is going to hate highschool." #dying #gaga #WATCH http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzHjRKSB4qQ&feature=player_embedded" Ra Ra Ooh Lala, young Timmy. Ooh Lala indeed.
huffingtonpost: "Meryl Streep adjusts her bra straps at the White House Project dinner (PHOTOS) http://huff.to/a2VSC9" Important and very relevant!
markindelicato: "My toes are still bleeding from yesterday... DAMN YOU CUTE DRESS SHOES" How fast they grow up... *sniffle*