cutblog: "Hermès's horse-hoof-inspired jewelry to start at $23,675 http://bit.ly/9YTqO2" It was at this point that we realized the incredible dearth of horse-related puns. What's the deal, English Vocabulary?
fordmodels: "One space follows a comma and two spaces follow a period (full stop). Follow these rules and the world is a better place." Gasp! One space after periods! We're wiling to grammar-nerd battle you on this one.
cjronson: "Back at work. Fitting holiday 2010 samples. Looking very partylicious!!" Dresses good enough to eat...we approve!
mrjoezee: "Studying American History and Civics questions for my naturalization interview tomorrow (nervous, fingers crossed!)." Quick--recite, in order, the most fashionable US presidents from fanciest to fugliest. Answer correctly and you'll become a legal citizen of the United States of Refinery.
whitehouse: "Guess who is back, live @ the White House? @justinbieber - watch & join the live chat now: http://bit.ly/azN0ej" Obama, a Bebieber? Whodathunk?!