modeled by Francine Zambelli.
Even on the coldest winter day, you can still bring the heat with this blazing fiery eye look. With just three easy steps, your eyes can pretty much be the makeup version of the Katniss Everdeen fire dress. Watch the video above for the full technique, and follow the steps below to try it for yourself.
Step 1. With a firm and angled liner brush and a charcoal shadow, draw along your top lashline, flicking out in a wing at the outer corners of your eyes. Add a little tick along your bottom lashline, too.
Step 2. Switch to a rust-red shadow, and continue tracing along your bottom lashline in short, steady strokes. Holding your brush perpendicular to your eyes will help get the most precise application.
Step 3. Working inwards from the inner corner, add a flash of yellow along the bottom lashline, blending gently as you meet the red. Then tap a dab of yellow upwards from the inner corner, too. Repeat on the other eye. You could stop here, or you could outline the entire look with a kohl pencil.