The Hardcore Runner
The Runner Cardio GPS watch from TomTom tracks your distance, time, pace, and speed, as well as your heart rate.
Pavlok is a tough-love wristband that provides an electrical shock when you skip a training session.
The Competitive Athlete
See your stats displayed in real time on the Nike Fuelband, and don't go to sleep until you’ve hit your daily goal.
The Style-Conscious Fit Fiend
Disguise your Fitbit Flex in a metal bracelet, necklace, or pebble-looking Misfit Shine which snaps into a variety of different pieces.
The Wear-It-&-Forget-It User
The Jawbone UP24 boasts a battery life of roughly 14 days.
The Android-Savant
Samsung Galaxy users will love the brand's line of fit gear, which integrates a fitness manager with constant connectivity to emails, texts, and calls.
The Personal Trainer In Training
Try the muscle-activation monitoring apparel, Athos, which will show you how to improve your form.
The Ride-Or-Die Spinner
Wristband trackers won't log your training session, so opt for a heart-rate monitor like the Polar FT4.
The Trendsetter
The new Apple Watch, of course.
The Wristband-Averse Athlete
The LG HRM Earphones serve as both headphones and a heart rate monitor, eliminating the need for multiple devices; the Fitbit One is a wear-at-the-hip tracker for activity and sleep.
The No-Frills Walker
If you're thinking "just give me the step count for crying out loud," try the SW 200 Yamax Digiwalker basic pedometer.