When I moved to London I made the mistake many, many, others have before me (and some continue to make today). I assumed that finding a flat would be a fun, if not challenging, experience. And while there was a certain joy to be had in being shown a bedroom-cum-livingroom-cum-kitchen that cost more than my salary, my first London flat-hunting expedition really gave new meaning to the expression “no pain, no gain.” Short story: It ended in tears.
If you've similarly ugly-cried your way around London's properties; made excuses for a room without windows, doors, or even walls; leased from a landlord so shady he makes your drug-dealer neighbours look like puppies; or convinced yourself that Stratford Essex is the new London, then you’ll definitely connect with this all-knowing gem from Buzzfeed. Yep, it's the 30 Stages of Flat-Hunting In London. Click through to see the list in all its glory — and feel free to share your horror stories in the comments section below. (Buzzfeed)
Photo: Via Buzzfeed.