Few inventions have been quite as revolutionary as the cell phone: With just a click, you can book dinner reservations without uttering a word to the disgruntled hostess, shoot off a string of text messages apologising for running late to said dinner, and, in seconds, snap a picture of your food to Instagram when you do finally show up 30 minutes later.
It's quick and dirty in the most literal sense of the word, so it's not entirely surprising that all that screen time can do some physical damage, as well — a reality that affects even those with seemingly perfect skin like Ruby Rose. Last night, the Pitch Perfect 3 actress took to Instagram to share her recent acne struggle, which, according to Rose, was a direct result of over-using her cell phone doing PP3 interviews and sleeping on hotel pillows.
"This acne belongs to me, not them, and you are welcome to it. I never thought I'd see the day I'd leave my beautiful country balling my eyes out," the star wrote in her Instagram story, with an arrow pointing to the pimples across her right cheek. On another post, she added, "Yeah it sucks..for me, I don't see how it's bothering so many others? But I'm a human. It happens..one side of my face is clear and the other is a mess."
But even more frustrating than a breakout? The fact that Rose is getting bullied for her skin. Despite countless celebrities speaking out against the unattainable beauty standards in Hollywood and others choosing to skip makeup entirely, people continue to shame women when these "ideals" aren't met. And not even Rose, a star who is known for her strength and confidence both on and offscreen, is immune to the painful scrutiny.
Rose's response to the criticism shows the world that she is human, and reminds us all that acne — no matter your age or place on the Oscars waitlist — happens. So in the words of the star's very good friend, Taylor Swift: Why you gotta be so mean?
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